Duties and Responsibilities of The Office of International Students
a) To prepare the International Student Directive of our University, to be discussed in the education and training coordinatorship and to submit it to the YÖK Presidency for approval, if approved by the University Senate, to publish it on the website,
b) International student quota requests are requested from the units of our university for each academic year, the quota requests are collected and the quota requests are decided upon by the education coordinator and the Senate, and notifying the YÖK Prime Ministry,
c) To determine the process calendar related to SDÜYÖS application, exam and placement procedures together with the Foreign Relations Coordinatorship of our University and to announce the determined calendar,
d) To process the scholarship and transcript of the students placed in our University by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities.
e) To carry out the procedures regarding the scholarship status of Turkish, Blue Card holders and Syrian students who are placed in the YÖS exam or in other ways,
f) To notify the Provincial Directorate of Immigration of students who have been unenrolled, dismissed and not renewed during education,
g) To carry out the correspondence regarding the information requests requested by the Embassies and Consulates from abroad or in our country.